There’s a lot of choices and we’re here to help. R/C Helicopters can be tough to get started in, but it is also one of the most rewarding, yet challenging hobbies you can have. With today’s modern electronics and well designed kits, it has never been easier to get into this exciting hobby.

The absolute best way to get started is with a simulator. There are several on the market, our favorite is the Real Flight G4. It is a window’s based program that comes with an interlink transmitter that simply plugs into the USB port on your computer. You can check it out at With this simulator, you can literally learn to fly (and crash) many different models of r/c helicopters, as well as airplanes and sailplanes. It’s about $200, which may seem expensive at first, but when you realize that each crash on your r/c model could cost $50 or more, the value becomes much more apparent.


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